Joey Van LieropWriting

Hello, world

This has been a long time coming.

A loooooooong time. I honestly don't know how long I have been trying to get this website up anymore. The first git commit was over 2 years ago, but it has been a work in progress long before that. I have always thought it would be fun to have my own website where I get to scatter my thoughts, post my photos, and regale the world with tall tales of my adventures. Yet after thousands of lines of code, hundreds of commits, 5 branches, 18 million redesigns, and countless hours of design work, the front page looks like this:

This didn't bother me since I loved the process. Designing, coding, and experimenting were exciting. Finding a new library only to abandon it a month later was a learning process, and staying up to date with the latest web development fads was fun! Somewhere along the way though, I started to burn out. I think it was a combination of soul-crushing school courses and the increasing ruthlessness of the job market that really sent me over the edge.

Not too long ago, I came across Paco Coursey's website. He wrote about redesigning his website, and it completely resonated with me.